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CQDs synthesis attempts (Carbon Quantum Dots)

Here you can find the different experiments we performed to obtain CQDs.

  • First, we tried to mix fructose with acetic acid and water, and to heat it at 90°C. We waited for two hours, but they were still no changes, so we abandoned this process. We thought the problem was the temperature, and maybe the pH of the solution, which wasn't low enough.
  • Then, we tried to mix fructose with concentrated HCl and water, and to heat it at 250°C. This time, the mix started to change color, and became black after about one hour. At this time, we obtained for the first time a solution that turned green when exposed to UV light.
  • Because we wanted the procedure to be as simple as possible, we tried different combinations, and finally found the "easiest" way to produce CQDs. By mixing sugar (sucrose) with lemon juice, we've been able to produce a solution that changes color under UV light. We chose this procedure as final because it can be made easily at home.